Can You Spare 6 Minutes to Protect More Land?
This note is a request for six minutes of your time in the next few days. Your six minutes will help protect more of Door County’s exceptional lands and waters. Your six minutes can protect the the things you love about Door County! Please take six minutes (three minutes per call) to call our two…
Door County Land Trust Seeks Renewal as an Accredited Land Trust: Public Comment Period Now Open
To all who love Door County’s wild beauty, Five years ago, Door County Land Trust was awarded the seal of accreditation by the national Land Trust Alliance Accreditation Commission. The land trust accreditation program recognizes land conservation organizations that meet national quality standards for protecting important natural places and working lands forever. Door County Land…
Appreciating Spring
Appreciating Spring By Dale Goodner, hike leader, volunteer, and curious citizen To the avid hiker, ecologist, or wood thrush, there is much more to a forest than just trees. From the very top of the canopy, to the secret recesses of soil, countless life forms occupy and embody the fundamental fabric of the forest.…
Reading Stories in the Snow
Reading the Stories in the Snow! By Terrie Cooper, Community Conservation Director Winter is my favorite time of year when the secret lives of animals are revealed in their “stories in the snow”. In Wisconsin there are only three mammals that are true hibernators in winter (woodchucks, ground squirrels and bats). The rest of Wisconsin’s…
A Win for Water Quality: Wetlands Protected at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp
A Win for Water Quality: Wetlands Protected at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp Ephraim, WI – Door County Land Trust is thrilled to announce the protection of two additional forested properties within the Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp State Natural Area. With these additions totaling 75 acres, Door County Land Trust now protects 383 acres within the swamp, which is…
The Twelve Hikes of Christmas
A Holiday Nature Celebration The Twelve Hikes of Christmas is our holiday celebration, encouraging you to get outside and see what your favorite nature preserves have to show you this season. For the twelve days leading up to Christmas we will share a new winter wildlife photo and coloring book page for free download. Enjoy…
A Watershed Moment for Washington Island’s Coffey Swamp
A Watershed Moment for Washington Island’s Coffey Swamp Washington Island, WI – Door County Land Trust is thrilled to announce the protection of a forested property on Washington Island as part of the Coffey Swamp State Natural Area. This property is home to a high quality wet northern forest largely covered with mature white cedar…
Land at Heart of Kellner Fen Donated into Permanent Conservation
Land at Heart of Kellner Fen Donated into Permanent Conservation Sturgeon Bay, WI – Door County Land Trust is excited to announce the recent acquisition and protection of a 40-acre property at the center of the Kellner Fen wetland complex located north of Sturgeon Bay near Lake Michigan. The property was donated by Jim…
Anonymous Donor Inspires Giving for Land Protection at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp
Anonymous Donor Inspires Giving for Land Protection at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp Ephraim, WI – An anonymous couple is inspiring others to give to the Door County Land Trust’s ongoing land protection efforts at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp Natural Area. The couple have a love of the Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp and have been long-time supporters of the efforts to protect…
The Perfect Cozy Conservation Gift
The Perfect Cozy Conservation Gift. Give the perfect gift this Christmas! Place a bid for a gift basket featuring a hand-crocheted afghan donated by member Maureen McGrath, a copy of the ‘Guide to the Places We Protect’, and candied nuts homemade by Land Trust president Donna DeNardo. Each gift comes with a gift membership for the…